Recent Files list

The Recent Files list shows a list of recently-opened files and buttons to manage them; note that the buttons will appear after you click on a filename.

If the file you want to open is not on the list, you can open it by using the Open button Open button on the ribbon.

Application window

When you select a file in the list, file management buttons are displayed. Note that only one file can be open at a time.

The buttons are explained in the following table.

Button Function
Open Opens the selected file for editing. When you open a file, the Load Data, Analyze and Publish workspaces will be activated.

Removes the selected file from the Recent Files list. (You can still re-open it by using the Open button Open button.)

CAUTION: When you remove a file from the list, you will also be offered the option to permanently delete the file from your computer.

Duplicate Opens a dialog where you can copy the selected file's contents into a new file.
Explore Opens Windows Explorer at the folder where the selected file is stored.